Leadership Coaching in a Group Setting
The LEADERSHIP LOUNGE is a welcoming, safe, nurturing space where you come together with existing, new and emerging leaders to expand into a more inspiring, more confident, more effective leader - the leader you KNOW is craving to emerge from you.
Live Group & Individual Leadership Coaching
via Zoom
2 calls per month
6 months
Get ready to exit the lounge a new, more empowered, more courageous, more INNOVATIVE leader. A leader with the skills, the enthusiasm and the capacity to LEAD your team FROM THE FRONT.
This is a LEADERSHIP LOUNGE that will take YOU and your skills to the next level. Guaranteed.
Business, on a global level has changed. In fact, it's still changing.
Your team, your employees, your colleagues have changed. They have said goodbye to their old way of being, of working.
Do YOU have the skills to support them as they embrace their Next Normal?
This group of Leaders and Emerging Leaders will be coming together to lead their team to THRIVE in their new environment, not just survive.
Challenges are new. So are opportunities.
Are you a driven, purposeful, inspirational and graceful individual; ready to grow into the leader you need to become to navigate the challenges AND opportunities ahead?
Are you ready to SERVE your team and your organisation or business powerfully?
Do you understand that the people who hold your team together have changed and to lead them you are required to change too?
You are excited to accept the challenge?
To move. To transform. To adapt. To bend. To be in flow.
To learn more about yourself than ever before?
To lead from the front?
To inspire others?
Then I feel honoured and thrilled to be serving and supporting you through every moment. I have been coaching groups via Zoom for multiple years. The online space is not new for me. I am extremely experienced on how to create a safe, nurturing and dynamic virtual space for my clients.
Along with our current global situation, this is not a trial.
My initial transition into leadership was a little rocky. I know the discomfort. I know what it's like to almost want to give up....throw in the the towel....call it a day.
I know what it's like to sit at your desk with the fear that your phone will ring and your boss will say "We now realise you have no idea what you're doing and we have to let you go."
I know what it's like to secretly worry if I'm good enough, worthy enough, qualified enough, experienced enough for this role.
To feel like an Impostor, a Fraud.
To fear failure.
To dread letting people down - my boss, my team, my business, MYSELF.
I also know when it feels like no-one will 'give you a go'. You KNOW you're ready for leadership but just can't grab the opportunity.
On top of that, we are working within a constantly-changing landscape.
What I am now well-versed, and very experienced in, is stepping into uncertainty.
Moving into the unknown, and backing myself anyway. Staying in flow. Changing direction. Being open to failure. Trusting my unopened gifts will emerge. Building new skills and harnessing new strengths. Building my resilience along the way.
I'm always reaching higher. Or doing something that, some would say, I have no business doing. Or stepping into an area of which I have zero experience.
Sometimes I literally sit down and think...
Like the time I moved into my first executive leadership role and feared EVERY DAY that my phone would ring and I'd hear my boss say "we now realise you have no idea what you're doing so we're going to have to let you go".
But then I TOOK BACK THE REINS and began creating the most dynamic, highly performing teams - teams that regularly smashed goals, then set higher ones for themselves.
Teams that were highly regarded throughout (some very large) organisations.
Teams that I constantly received compliments about - their customer service, their professionalism, their teamwork, their friendliness and inclusiveness, their enthusiasm, their innovation, their PERFORMANCE.
Teams consisting of the full gamut of workforce - full and part-time employees, casuals, contractors, interns and volunteers.
It wasn't all rainbows and puppies - at times there were some tough conversations around performance and team culture. More than once I had to led someone go, and learned to do so with honesty, kindness and empathy.
I wouldn't change any of it for the world.
But I didn't do it alone - I surrounded myself with a group of people who supported me, challenged me, grew with me and cared for me. My success was THEIR mission.....
....which inspired me, for many years now, to coach leaders and emerging leaders to THEIR success. I have been blessed to have worked with leaders in the following industries: technology (you may have "Googled" to find this page), tourism, education, sporting, government, financial, engineering, energy, facility management, event management, retail ....along with small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Group Coaching Experience
An intensive group coaching program, via the Zoom platform, where you will, alongside other high performing leaders and emerging leaders,
I created THE LEADERSHIP LOUNGE to give you a place to share your challenges, your dreams, your fears and your desires.
A place where you can be supported, nurtured and challenged, whilst staying motivated and engaged, because you're not doing it alone.
Expand. Inspire. Lead.
Stephanie Abouatallah, Senior Account Executive, Google & Founder, BlueHiveHealth.com
"Without her coaching approach I wouldn't be where I am today."
Her ability to get to the root of the problem and share the tools one needs to move forward is remarkable. There is no way I would have started my company and rode to such success at my job without Janelle's practical and supportive approach to personal development. If you are looking for a practical tips that will support your growth and learning, Janelle Ryan's got them!
* Group Coaching Experience for minimum 6 months
* Coaching calls via Zoom
* Group and individual coaching by Janelle Ryan
* A private online space to connect between calls
* Networking opportunities
*BONUS surprises along the way!
Gabrielle Costin
I enrolled with Janelle with the view of stepping into my next dream role and I am so proud to say that goal was achieved and achieved quickly.
You’ll have regular Group Deep Coaching calls with me and the rest of the group. If you show up ready and alert, take notes, pay attention to the lessons and APPLY THEM you will up-level your leadership skills in a way you may not have thought possible.
These sessions are where you'll develop and HOLD your vision of your desired leadership goals, map out your strategy, share your successes and even (possibly more importantly) celebrate your failures. You will learn to tap into your imagination and innovation to best respond to this new world. All group coaching will be online, so you can participate from anywhere in the world.
You'll be immersed with a group of other talented and successful high performers, but your program will be tailored to you.
I can tell you from experience FROM BOTH SIDES (being a participant and being the coach) that the magic that's created within a group of like-minded individuals is something to behold. Many of you will become friends for life.
Throughout the duration of the program, you'll learn proven ways to conquer fears, quiet any lingering doubts, deepen your resilience, increase your emotional intelligence and open doors to the highest level of achievement.
You'll build your natural confidence, so you can take purposeful action toward YOUR PROFESSIONAL VISION within this currently crazy, ever-changing environment.
You’ll be equipped with highly effective and powerful layers of support, including:
On-demand laser coaching to help you eliminate obstacles fast
A mastermind group of incredible peers, each of them successful in their endeavours, just like you AND driven to lead into the unknown
Group coaching and one-on-one coaching in a group setting
Weekly accountability and coaching feedback
Networking opportunities
Start IMMEDIATELY! As soon as we say YES, the coaching begins.
Join us in the Leadership Lounge and leave with:
A deeper understanding of the capacity and capability of YOUR MIND and your POWER.
More confidence and COURAGE to lead your team into the New Era.
An EXPANDED mind - to new possibilities and innovative ways of thinking.
A clearer understanding of who YOU are, and how to bring your natural gifts and skills into your leadership.
Deeper emotional intelligence, enabling you to respond to situations and crisis in calm and rational manner (even when you're 'triggered'.)
A quiet certainty that 'you've got this'.
The achievement of your career goals.
You will also:
Become calmer and more resilient.
Enjoy a less stressful life and career.
Have the confidence in knowing you have the power to achieve your goals.
Develop a deep understanding that you are in control of the creation and expansion of your career and leadership skills.
Come to know that failure is nothing more than feedback.
Know what your top values are use them as an internal compass that will guide your choices and decisions for the rest of your career.
Enjoy your life and career more.
Have deeper professional relationships that will continue to grow and transform as you grow and transform.
Stop comparing yourself to others - you will understand you are the owner of your career.
Have courageous and authentic conversations that serve you and your team.
Learn what successful leadership feels, looks like and means to YOU!
The financial investment for Level-Up Your Leadership is A$7,777 and payment plans are available.
If you live in Australia, you may be able to claim your professional development on your tax return (we recommend you check with your accountant first).
OR, maybe your organisation offers a professional development subsidy. If so, you may wish to read my article titled "How to Ask Your Boss to Invest in Your Coaching."
Level-Up Your Leadership is not for everyone and it is NOT automatic entry.
We need to ensure those who participate in the program are willing to be challenged, are committed to levelling-up their career and are willing to support others in the group.
If you think this sounds like you and you believe you are truly ready to commit six months to dramatically 'scaling up' your leadership, career, business and life, then click on the link below. We will contact you to arrange an conversation where we both decide if The Leadership Lounge is a fit for you.
"This is the start of a wonderful journey to unlock your potential."
Suzanne Spiropoulos, HR Partner, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
Janelle is an experienced coach with the unique talent to serve her clients – guiding them to build on their strengths and to cast aside unhelpful beliefs. Be prepared to be challenged.. and to gain valuable insights. My coaching with Janelle was absolutely worth it – an extremely worthwhile investment in being my best self – to me, and to others.
“Every resource you need to create what you want is in or near you right now.”
Justine Lawson, Manager, T & L Design, Engagement, Quality & Scholarships, NSW
Working with Janelle has been a transformative experience. In the space of 6 months, I have learnt to take responsibility for my actions and feelings and to create the vision and take the steps to where and who I want to be. Although focused on leadership and work, the impacts are much more far reaching, improving relationships and general well-being. How did this happen? The coaching environment created by Janelle together with her online programs are challenging and supportive; theoretical and practical; bold and nuanced; honest and kind; magical and real. Janelle is a highly experienced and talented coach, who tuned into my story and guided and challenged me to think, feel and act differently. And all this came with love – the hallmark of any truly caring relationship. I have deep gratitude for Janelle, hold her with the highest regard and unconditionally recommend all that Skyhigh has to offer.
"I experienced a type of deep learning not usually available in group settings."
Dr Georgia Melville, Creative Victoria
I had the pleasure of joining the Leadership Lounge with Janelle. During this time I experienced a type of deep learning not usually available in group settings. During the fortnightly intensive sessions we explored my individual leadership journey, as well as the journeys of the other Lounge members. The coaching Janelle gave me during the Lounge was focused, strong and kind. She provided me with tailored and thought provoking insights - it's clear she has a strong breadth of leadership experience and expertise. I also found the Lounge format valuable because the stories and the insights of other members broadened my own approach to leadership in areas I wasn't aware I needed.
"If you are looking for someone who is present with your feelings, your goals and who truly loves coaching people, explore working with Janelle."
Odette, General Manager, Accor Hotels, Qld
Since working with Janelle my sense of my own value has grown and I am consciously using my voice more, particularly in my professional life. Whilst I did enjoy Janelle, and appreciate the process and what it uncovered, I cannot say it was enjoyable. Her gift is definitely digging deeper!
Working with Janelle is by far the best investment I have made in myself as a leader and my results have far exceeded my expectations.
Lucy, Leisure Centre Manager, Victoria
Words cannot express how happy and grateful I am that Janelle was referred to me by a colleague and friend. To be honest, I initially approached Janelle for leadership coaching, but her magic extended into my personal life and I goals I thought were in my future appeared almost instantaneously. We created our arrangement in 2019, pre the co-vid environment, and what a blessing it was to have her by my side during the recent events in 2020. I have authentically led my team through a global pandemic, successfully facilitated a (pre planned) full departmental restructure and created an empowered culture throughout the organisation in a short period of time; all whilst keeping my budget on track and gaining community trust. Janelle unlocked the more powerful leader within me, that one that had been craving to emerge. I am now more confident, open and calm - my emotional intelligence is at an all time high! I use my voice and ask for what I want and need, resulting in more respect from my peers and the organisation. I am able to clearly articulate my vision and rejoice as my team responds. The change in me has been so impactful, I have received compliments and positive feedback from multiple colleagues. Working with Janelle is by far the best investment I have made in myself as a leader and the results I have achieved and continue to achieve both professionally and personally have far exceeded my expectations. The things that I have learnt and put into practice in such a short period of time I know will serve me for the rest of my life and will help me to continue to grow as a leader. I have already recommended Janelle to colleagues, and my organisation, and will continue to do so.
"Since working with Janelle I have gained a much stronger sense of confidence and inner strength, become a better leader and thinker and feel calmer in my day to day life.
SL Collidge, Hyatt Group, Sydney
I think coaching is for everyone, we all have things about ourselves that we would like to change or become better at or explore further. Coaching with someone like Janelle allows you to do that. To break down barriers and really get to the bottom of what is holding you back in any area of your life. I think to have coaching is like investing into yourself, if you don’t no one else will.
I just love meeting with Janelle, I liken it to meeting up with an old friend. She is both warm and nurturing but fair and honest when needed. That’s what I love about Janelle there is a great balance and I think that’s why her coaching is so effective.
Since I started working with Janelle I have gained a much stronger sense of confidence and inner strength, become a better leader and thinker and feel calmer in my day to day life with the tools and knowledge that Janelle has shared with me. I have clearer goals and plans for the future and am well on my way to achieving them.
I really would recommend working with Janelle to anyone who is looking to push the boundaries, get out of their comfort zone and unlock their true potential.
"I definitely recommend Janelle. I have found my time with her to be very valuable and has set me in the right direction to achieving my goals."
Rodney L, Lead Engineer, Melbourne
Thank you Janelle, for your help and support over the past few months. Public speaking was something I knew I had to master to move forward towards my career aspirations but it was also something I used to avoid! Since working with Janelle I have gone from almost no public speaking to giving at least one presentation to small and large groups every week. I can move forward in my career with the knowledge that I have valuable content to share and the confidence that I can present it in a clear and engaging way. Working with Janelle gave me the opportunity to share/vent my concerns/worries with and then being given a different perspective to tackle my problems from. She is warm and friendly and a great listener. Janelle was also very thorough when detailing our meetings and establishing a plan of action. I would definitely recommend Janelle. I have found my time with her to be very valuable and has set me in the right direction to achieving my goals. I will be booking more sessions with her in the future!
"I now consciously and boldly seek and step into new opportunities without fear."
Tamzin McLennan, Local Government Communications, Victoria
Tamzin McLennan, Local Government Communications
I love working with people who who push, inspire and challenge me and I certainly found that with Janelle. My self doubt has diminished and my confidence has soared, both professionally and personally. I have achieved one professional goal whilst during our time together and am excited to pursue the next one. I have received the tools I was seeking to step into my vision. I highly recommend Janelle and have already done so.
Current Leaders who wish to level-up-their leadership and serve their team powerfully - of teams from 1 to hundreds
New Leaders - brand new to leadership? This is the place for you.
Emerging Leaders - those who are ready to step into leadership.
Leaders within organisations along with business owners and entrepreneurs.