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How to Stay Calm in the Face of Overwhelm

Janelle Ryan

This week I’ve been quite busy preparing for my 'Taking it Sky High' weekend workshop in Melbourne followed by two workshops in Cairns early next week. Four days of workshops over five days, and one flight from (almost) the bottom of Australia to the top in between. I love hosting workshops and particularly love the topics I'm presenting, so I'm looking forward to the experience. I am really excited and can’t wait to meet everyone who is coming to work with me over the next few days. Of course I want to honour them, and their time, by being really on my game – full of energy and ready to go!

But I'd be lying if I didn't admit there's been times over the past couple weeks when I've felt completely overwhelmed.

As someone who has worked at back-to-back workshops and events before, I am lucky that I have a really clear understanding of how tiring they can be. I say lucky, because I know that preparation for my success at the workshops starts now – in the lead up. It’s been a tricky week – meetings, administration, family commitments and coaching clients - whilst trying to keep my energy usage low and feelings of relaxation high. The weather has suddenly turned cool (those of you in Victoria will be able to relate) so I keep feeling the start of a cold coming on. Tickly throat and a runny nose. Symptoms I’m sure will go away if I ignore them. Won’t they???

All of us, throughout our lives, have times when we are working towards something that is large enough or important enough to affect our stress levels. It could be a work event, a work presentation, a business launch, our child’s first day of school, a competitive event, our wedding or holiday. How do we ensure we are looking after ourselves enough so we don’t crash and burn on the first day? Or worse, before we even get there?

These have been my strategies over the past week:

  • Sleep, sleep and sleep. My husband gets out of bed between 5am and 6am and normally I do too. Not this week. I’m sleeping in as long as I like.

  • Cut out the alcohol. I’m a “wine with dinner gal” so this has been a bit of an adjustment but I’m not missing it at all.

  • Ask for help. I have a handful of gorgeous friends, wonderful clients and guest speakers assisting me at all three events and I’m so very grateful. I've booked Handsome Hubby in for some 'roadie' work. You don’t have to do it all alone.

  • Nutrition. I am eating a lot more fruit and vegetables this week.

  • Vitamins. I’ve upped my vitamin C and zinc. I’m no medical expert (so I’m not giving medical advice here!) but I heard a doctor on the radio the other day say these were good for raising your immune system.

  • Meditation in the morning before I get out of bed. Just being quiet and setting my intentions for the day ahead.

  • Organisation. I actually did a lot of preparation for the workshops over the past month so I did not have that much to do this week. Just last minute tasks.

  • Say no. I have not over extended myself at all this week. I have plenty of time to complete my last minute tasks AND time to relax.

  • Keep up my exercise. I will admit this has been a tad difficult with my scratchy throat and runny nose but even just a walk is important for my stress levels.

So that has been my strategy for the week in a lead up to three events. I cannot wait for them to kick off!

I hope these tips have been helpful if you have an event of your own coming up! Good luck.

Hi and thanks for reading! My name is Janelle Ryan and I am a Personal Coach who helps high performers create extraordinary lives.

My Taking it Sky High weekend workshop has now sold out BUT if you are in Cairns places are still available for the following workshops:

SMASH THROUGH SELF DOUBT (and stop the self sabotage)


CREATE MORE CONFIDENCE (and take your life, career or business SKY HIGH!)

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