When you think of December - or the "silly season" - what crops up for you?
Finishing up your year's work effortlessly and easily?
Staying strong and committed to your health and fitness regime, regardless of the parties and work functions?
Beautiful days filled with loving family functions?
A budget that stays intact?
If this is you, I'm impressed!
Alternatively, if you find December a little more stressful that other months of the year then this video is for you.
I give you some ideas on how you can change your December from one of stress and anxiety to one of ease and fun. In this video, I expand on the following top 5 tips to fly through December with elegance and grace:
1. Look back on 2016 and celebrate your successes great and small. If you've had a sad or challenging year (I've been there!) reflect on what happened, how you handled the change. Consider if you experienced growth around your resilience and coping skills. 2. Think of others. This is a time when those less fortunate than us often feel the most isolated or alone. There may be someone in your immediate community you could reach out to and lend a helping hand or maybe you can give a local charity some time or financial support. 3. Look after your own health and wellbeing during this very busy time. Focus on your nutrition, continue moving your body, get enough sleep, watch your alcohol intake and schedule some regular time out for yourself. 4. Lower your expectations/let go of perfectionism. Everything may not go exactly as planned, and that's okay. Don't sweat the small stuff. 5. This is a time to be with family and friends, not put yourself under financial strain. If gift giving is part of your tradition then keep it simple. Consider handmade gifts from the heart. If you do buy gifts, set a budget beforehand and stick to it.
If you'd like to know even more about how to fly through December with elegance and grace, register for my free 5 Day Surviving Christmas Guide.
Click here to register.