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How to Ask Your Boss to Invest in Your Coaching

Janelle Ryan

Updated: Feb 28, 2020

Feeling a little miffed that professional development seems only available to higher management of your organisation?

When I was in my corporate role, I knew I wanted some coaching. As a huge fan of personal and professional development, I’d spent a lot of time and money investing in myself – and it was clear the organisation I worked for was reaping the benefits.

So I took the bull by the horns, so to speak, and successfully asked my boss pay for my next round of coaching. Even though, it wasn’t in the budget.

I am so happy to share this strategy with you and sincerely hope it works for you too!

1. Point out the benefits of coaching.

Whilst most of us are aware of our primary skills and strengths, coaching unveils our secondary ones – the ones that could be stronger with some development. Coaching increases confidence, communication and focus. A coach can assist with time management to reduce feelings of overwhelm. Anyone who undertakes coaching will think more strategically, perform to their highest potential, enjoy their role more (resulting in increased engagement and higher productivity) and play a more active role in achieving the team’s objectives.

** If you’d like to read more about the benefits, CLICK HERE for my recent article. **

2. Take responsibility when it comes to your own professional development.

Sit down with a piece of paper, work out the three main areas where you’d love to improve and take it to your boss. This shows you are being proactive in your own growth and development; and you have a desire to invest time and energy in becoming a more valuable employee for the organisation.

I tend to think this is the most important part of this strategy because coaching is so much more than a financial investment. You are the one willing to spend the time doing the work, which is a much higher commitment than writing the cheque.

3. Know the organisation’s mission or long term goals and be able to illustrate how the change you make via coaching will help you further contribute.

4. Know who and how much.

I knew exactly who I wanted to work with and the financial and time investment required. A professional coach will give you some complimentary time with them to ensure they can help you and you are a ‘fit’.

5. Choose your timing.

Formal performance review time is clearly ideal. If you don’t have formal reviews, or the next one is too far away, book a good amount of with your boss so you have her full attention.

6. Find an advocate.

If your boss has had coaching, and is a huge fan, this conversation will be a whole lot easier. If they have not, find someone in the organisation who considers coaching of the utmost value. Maybe they can have a quiet word about the coaching process on your behalf.

7. Be confident!

You really have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. The worst that can happen is a “no”. You can then decide if you invest in your development yourself and take your new and improved super skills to another organisation. Whoops, did I say that out loud?

Good luck!

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